Telegram group for general discussions

A telegram group is in place to speak between B2G members:
Feel free to join it.
Disclaimer: this is not an official communication channel, it’s for general chatting, “pointless” discussions. We will not force users to come here, it’s not that public, and we have no easy archive available.
So even if we do announcement / important debates, everything should be repeated in a more official channel (like this forum).

PS: should this topic be pinned ?

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I’ve heard of that group but I can’t join it, neither from Telegram on my 2.5 Firefox OS, neither on Telegram desktop Ubuntu v0.9.24

I have the same problem, I can’t access the telegram group either. Telegram is new for me, but I don’t see an option to subscribe to a group/channel.

you don’t need to join, simply follow the link once. The problem telegram on Firefox OS can’t handle telegram links, so I suggest to do it on your desktop device. First visit, sign in and then follow the link.

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Well, links seem to be not working on Firefox OS.
But on desktop it should. When you click on the link, what’s the result ?

@Jovan: you can just follow the link, it will ask for connection.

Thanks for the tip. I signed in on on the desktop (gave my phone number, put in activation code). The message I get on Firefox with url that changes to tg://resolve?domain=B2GOS is:

The address wasn’t understood

Firefox doesn’t know how to open this address, because one of the following protocols (tg) isn’t associated with any program or is not allowed in this context.

You might need to install other software to open this address.

Maybe I’m just overlooking it but I don’t see any options in the Telegram web menu for subscribing to a channel either. Where are they?

hmm seems like telegram didn’t register the tg:// protocol handler jet. Anyway you should also be able to search for B2G or B2G OS

Here is the mistake I have. I’m going to try

Searching for B2G OS on account worked. Thanks @TitanNano.

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Technical details are :
Method: contacts.resolveUsername
Url: N/A
Result: {"":“rpc_error”,“error_code”:400,“error_message”:“USERNAME_NOT_OCCUPIED”}
Stack: g/u@

I tried also to search for B2G OS on, in the principal search bar, and also on the search bar after clicking on menu/New Group… nothing work for me…

Try with this

and maybe update to the last Telegram version

that’s what I did everytime. I click on , I arrive to the page you show, then I click on Open Channel, then I have the choice between opening it with Telegram Desktop or I have done it several time before for different group, and it has always worked, but not this time, it’s very weird.
I have my Telegram desktop updated to the last version offered for Ubuntu.

Maybe we can add you directly to the group, is @Thatoo your user name on telegram ?

That would be great then, my username on Telegram is @Yogo8

papymarc invited me but it didn’t work, as soon as I click on the group, I can see “Marc invited Yogo” but then I’m ejected with the same error :

Sorry, this channel is not accessible.
Method: account.getNotifySettings
Url: N/A
Result: {"":“rpc_error”,“error_code”:400,“error_message”:“CHANNEL_PRIVATE”}
Stack: g/u@

Sorry for my late reply.
I can’t add you Thatoo, as you’re not in my contact list. I send you a message, just reply to it. You will be in my contact list, so I will be able to add you.

Ok, I invited Thatoo, but it’s not working, it looks like a bug. I will report it.