TBird add-on "display quota"

HI Folks,

Just joined so I hope that I am posting the correct location.

I have found that the above named add-on no longer works with the latest version of TBird, I realise that Firefox and Thunderbird are directly linked or should I say , that was information given to me.

I found that add-on was a very useful way of not going above my quota on my IMAP email account.

If I am incorrect on any of the information. Please correct and possibly point me in the correct direction.

Best Wishes

It’s up to the author whether he will update it. You could leave a review asking whether he will; if you page back through the reviews you’ll see someone did that for TB60. He may respond. But it may be a non-trivial update.

You could also check if another addon provides the same functionality.

This one works in 68:

This Discourse is for help with developing add-ons, not help with
using them. Please go to https://support.mozilla.org/products/thunderbird
for end-user Thunderbird support.