[TaskviewLayout] How can I treat this unstable extension. Please, participate development

I am developing web extension version of TaskviewLayout.
Last version 55.3 got unexpected exception code, unfortunately.
I wish you to participate in the development of this extension.

If I introduce some Javascripts and html, these are below.
For more information, Please, get version 55.3~.xpi.

  1. among background.js are below.

browser.windows.onCreated.addListener(function() {browser.browserAction.getPopup({})});
id: ‘taskview1’,
title: ‘View to put task view up’,
contexts: [‘browser_action’]


  1. among taskviewlayout1.js is below

browser.menus.onClicked.addListener(function() {
var button = document.createElement(‘button’);
var Button = browser.tabs.executeScript({
code: ‘button’
var buttonChild = document.activeElement.appendChild(button);
var ButtonChild = browser.tabs.executeScript({
code: ‘buttonChild’
var Taskvie1 = Button.setAttribute(‘id’, ‘taskview2’);
var taskView1 = browser.tabs.executeScript({
code: ‘Taskview1’
if(info.menuItemId === taskView1) {
var layoutTBox = document.getElementById(‘calendar-task-box’);
var LayoutTBox = browser.tabs.executeScript({
code: layoutTBox


  1. taskviewlayout2.js is omitted

  2. taskviewlayout3.js is omitted

  3. among of taskviewlayout.html

<style type=“text/css”>
<form action="" method=“get” id=“form1” value=“src:taskviewlayout1.js”>
<button type=“submit” id=“taskview1” form=“form1”>View to put task view up</button>

Thank you for your interests.

From Sungho Hwang.

I uploaded TaskviewLayout 55.3 to GitHub as name of taskviewlayout.
Please, collaborate this extension. And state your opinions. Thank you.