Targeted Advertising - The vicious internet economy

This session is facilitated by Sri Pravallika Maddipati, Swagath Manda

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About this session

Explore the traditional means of advertising including billboards, flyers, magazines/newspapers for widespread reach and attention of a large consumer base.

Understand the evolution of advertising - Since the past decade, several organizations provide free services and content to users but derive a significant part of their revenue from their ad base.

Dive deep on data sources - Data brokers aggregate user data from multiple sources with the aim of serving targeted, user behavior and interest based content to users. With the boom of analytics advertising has become exponentially invasive leaving us unauthoritative of our data.

The Tangled data web - While there are myriad means of data collection, some of the top and more concerning ways include Geo location, IP address tracking, cookies, device/browser fingerprints, browsing history, linkage of user identities, email content scanning, and payment card usage.

Build a personal ecosystem with user+privacy friendly tools.

Goals of this session

-Provide a walk through of the various avenues of invisible data collection and a general working of the advertising industry.

-Brainstorm with attendees on “Can we have access to products/services without having our personal data sold among parties ? Can we stop our data from being extensively mined without our knowledge and permission ?”.
-Introduce the attendees to the "Online Privacy defense in depth” approach to minimize feeding in personal data to the service and content providers using user-centric and privacy focussed tools.