Syntax 0.7 RFC1 until Friday, August 10

We’re trying something new with Syntax 0.7!

A number of discussions were put on hold during the development of Fluent Syntax 0.6. I’d like to make sure everyone has a chance to voice their opinion in these discussions. Let’s dedicate the upcoming week—until next Friday, August 10—to another round of feedback about the features planned for Syntax 0.7.

Scope of Changes

If you’re a stakeholder in Fluent’s design, take a moment to review the scope of this milestone. In particular, the following issues might be of interest:

  • Relax the indentation requirement for non-text. (#87)
  • Preserve the localizer-originating indent in multiline text. (#162)
  • Normalize all line endings in the AST as LF. (163)
  • Restrict variant names to identifiers and numbers. (127)

How to Give Feedback

Each issue has a corresponding PR. (Yay for the reference parser which makes trying and testing designs much faster than before!) I encourage you to take a look at the PRs to get a better sense of the extent of changes grammar-wise.

For each issue, please provide your feedback on the general ideas in the issue. If you have technical comments about the implementation, please put them in the corresponding PR.

Next Steps

I’ll be monitoring the feedback throughout the week and I’ll do my best to respond to it as it comes. During the weekly triage next Friday at 5 PM CEST (3 PM UTC) we’ll gauge the support for each of the proposals. If the feedback is clearly in favor, we’ll go ahead with the proper technical review of the implementation, and then with the landing. Otherwise, we’ll evaluate if the feedback can be addressed or if the issue should be closed or postponed to a later milestone.

I’m hoping that we’ll find the right process for this along the way. Let me know what you think and don’t hesitate to tell me what I can improve in my communications in this forum and on GitHub. Thanks for rooting for Fluent!


Pinging people whom I know might have interest in this: @flod, @heidi, @mathjazz, @mstanke, @Pike, @theo, @zbraniecki.

Initial feedback - this looks awesome. All of the changes listed here are welcomed, and based on my naive interpretation will improve both readability and parser/ast/serializer loop

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This all looks like good progress forward in making fluent both clear and flexible. Enjoying the progress here! I’ll be really excited to see v1.0 come out - I think it will align pretty well with introducing it as the new standard for ui l10n at Udacity. I’m writing RFCs and working on string extraction scripts now to be ready for it :slight_smile:

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Thank you everyone for replying here or for providing feedback in GitHub. The first RFC period has come to a close. We were able to move forward on the following two issues:

  • Relax the indentation requirement for non-text. (#87)
  • Normalize all line endings in the AST as LF.(163)

The other two need a bit more work to work out a consensus. I’m positive that we can achieve that by the end of next week. I’m going to create a new thread announcing the second RFC period for Syntax 0.7.