[Support] Tab Re-Title General Support

General support thread for the add-on Tab Re-Title since I probably shouldn’t piggyback on the thread started for a particular issue.

Hi Lazyuki, thanks for your great work on Tab Re-Title.
Following up questions asked in the reviews, at your suggestion -

  1. Other tabs (ones I HAVEN’T renamed!) are changing names all on their own, at random times, when either selected, or freshly opened from a link on another web page! This seems to happen when either Rename Tabs or Tab Re-Title is enabled.

  2. The original name does not appear in the rename dialog so impossible to modify it? Have to use another add-on to copy the original title and paste it into the box, then edit it.

  3. (New) How do you use $0 to revert to original title? I entered it in the rename box and it renamed the title to $0!

  4. (New - suggestion) Shift_Alt_X was used by Colorful tabs addon - which we hope to see return! Would Ctrl_Alt_T be better as a shortcut???

(Would be good to mention this site in your main description, so people can find support?)

Not clear how this site works, so Ihope “reply” is the correct procedure!

Hey piecevcake, thanks for the report!

  1. Have you updated the add-on to the new version 1.4.3? It fixes some bugs, and I wonder if it fixes this bug too.

  2. There should be current title (not necessarily the original title, if you changed the title already) should be shown at the top like this pic.

  3. $0 works by putting it in the new title name. If you are changing a website that says Google for example, typing
    G - $0
    will change that titke to “G - Google”.
    Again, you need to have the latest version 1.4.3 to use this.

  4. Firefox’s shortcuts are weird… and I’m not sure if Ctrl-Alt-T works. My chrome version of this add-on lets you change the shortcut, but I haven’t found a way for users to change shortcuts on Firefox. I’ll see what I can do.

  5. This is now linked under “Support site”, but maybe I’ll add it in the description too.


Hey thanks Lazyuki for the quick response! I copied the message above at [Support] Tab Re-Title
and updated it

mm… I had started to smell a rat, and figured out that for some reason I was still on v 1.2.2 and update reported “no updates found”…? So manually installed over the top. Now have your extra features! (Not sure if it’s just me with this problem?)

I did check Ctrl_Alt_T and it doesnt seem to do anything at present…
Should this continue here or on the other page?

Oh that’s weird… Make sure your add-on auto update option is enabled. It may be because I added another permission (bookmarks) and that prevented it from auto-updating, but I’m not sure.

The shortcut is still Alt-Shift-X, because that’s the only one that I can guarantee to work on both Windows and Mac at the moment.

sorry, I somehow missed the Advanced Tab on the Options Page…so I deleted my last Question about RegExp usage.

EDIT: With RegExp the Tab Re-Title is already very useful.
However a RegExp including the old title via $0 doesn’t work, because it becomes a recursive operation. The RegExp will be applied again and again to the already changed title. It’s currently unclear, when this happens. But for now, using a static value instead works fine.

EDIT: the recursion seemed to be a result from multiple regexp pattern matching the same url. I didn’t understand, that the patterns are stored with the pattern as key, which is indeed logical, but you don’t see how the list is changed by saving. So editing the pattern created new entries.

EDIT: unfortunately a search engine page like https://nixos.org/nixos/options.html#test doesn’t update it’s title. I need to reload the page to get the new title.

Yeah there seems to be a bug regarding the usage of $0 and recursion. I need to look into multiple patterns matching the same url. Thanks for the info.

nixois.org is working for me. I’m not sure what the problem is.

Hi Laz,

  1. Any progress on a non-conflicting shortcut to open the dialog? Have you TRIED Control_Alt_T?
  2. Also request shortcut to put the old title in the new name entry box (OR better still, as elsewhere requested, have it there as default.)
  3. Feature request - can you put in tab right click context menu, with a mnemonic? (RightClick, T).
  4. Can the right click enable renaming of UNLOADED tabs? Reasons:
    (a) Have to navigate away wait to load, retitle then go back to previous tab as it is-distracting
    (b) Tree Tabs restores tabs unloaded with the custom titles now (FINALLY!), but when they are loaded the custom titles are overwritten (because the restored tab is not in retitle memory). Very important as I often have to restore whole groups of tabs I have annotated previously! So rightclick and old name already in name entry box would make this a simple process!)
    Thanks - Vicki
    PS it took me 3 hours (2 attempts, I gave up a couple of months ago) to login to this page through auth0.com-FF password manager doesnt recognise or save the login details?
    Then its confusing- 2 pages both labelled the same? Where to post and find responses?

I use retitle all the time, it is incredibly time consuming to have to mouse click in 2-5 places every time and wait for pages to load - and lose all my old titles when reloading.

  1. Yes I’ve tried, and Ctrl-Alt-T does not work at least on Mac Firefox. I wish firefox made keyboard shortcuts customizable like chrome, but they don’t…
  2. You can click the title on the top left corner for now. I’m thinking of making it the default in the next update.
  3. There’s no way to put a text shortcut on the context menu. I’ll see what I can do about right clicking the tab. It currently opens a popup up but if the tab is not selected, it wouldn’t work so I need to come up with another way.
  4. Not sure what you mean by unloaded tabs, but I assume that’s from using another extension. But my guess is that you are using Only this time or the Set for this tab option? Because that won’t be saved across sessions. If you use Only exact match or use regex, it will be persistent across sessions.

P.S. I too hate this forced 2FA login on this page. You can use github issues for support as well.

Wait, apparently you can edit addon shortcuts now in firefox as well! https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/manage-extension-shortcuts-firefox

bllinking title / tabname

Dear Lazyuki, thanks for the add-on and I’ve a question as it looks like the title is blinking and maybe you could help me to configure the add-on properly or help in the solution of the problem. I describe the problem and I hope you could advise me.

Some webpages are changing title every few seconds and this lead to a ‘blinking’ of the tab name in the browswer which is to me quite annoying and I’d like a static (non changing) tab name.
I include also the URL as example jetcost.it (after performing a search the result page has a title changing every few seconds).

Trying o solve this problem I’ve installed your add-on and configured a domain title “j” for the webpage.
I open the webpage and title “j” is shown but approximately every couple of seconds the title is set back to a new value and then reverted back to “j”.

Do you know how I could set a permanent title as tab name?

Thanks and kind regards,

As far as I know, there’s no way to stop that website (jetcost.it) from changing its own page title. This is because the website is running its own script that updates the page title every few seconds, and my addon detects the change and reverts it back to what you’ve set.

I took a look at their source code and it seems that the function startFlickeringTitle inside theme.min.js is causing the flickering every 1.3 seconds. Unfortunately, there’s no way to block that function alone since theme.min.js is required to display the actual contents on the page.

Dear Lazyuki,

Thank you very much Lazyuki for your time in the investigation and the clear explanation.

I’m happy to know the add-on is properly configured and it is over riding the page title detecting the page script running.

cheers, Andrea

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The features list includes:
“Use saved bookmarks’ titles!”

I can’t find instructions anywhere on how to change the tab title to the bookmark’s title.

If the tab’s URL matches anything in your bookmark, it will suggest to use the bookmark’s name as your tab title

Hi Laz, I have added some issues on the github site you linked above, no response… have you seen them? Would you prefer I posted them here?