[Support] Lizard - Select and remove annoying elements

This is a support thread for the Lizard web extension.

Post your feedback and support questions here and I’ll try to answer as soon as I can.


Hi, I LOVE your app! It makes getting rid of pesky elements on a webpage faster. One request though, could you make a save function that saves all the scripts/elements on a page we removed so we don’t have to remove them manually again? I would pay so much money for that! It would help alot

Hi! It’s a great extension. I found your extension when trying to replace “HackTheWeb” legacy extension with a web extension that removes elements from a web page.
A small suggestion only. It would be easier to have separate options for left and right click of the mouse in the preferences page. For example if you have remove “R” as an option for left click of the mouse and wider “W” as an option for right click of the mouse, this way you can do most of the editing of the page with only the mouse.

Hi Maevios,

I’m glad to know you found my extension useful.

If you go to the preferences page and check the settings Expert Mode and Use mouse wheel to wider/narrower selection, you will be able to remove elements with your left click (“R”) and change the selection with your mouse wheel (forward for “W”, backward for “N”). The mouse’s right click will undo (“U”) your actions.


I have a problem using this extension. The functions work well but when I reload the page the effect of Lizard is lost. Why is that? Maybe I missed a few steps?

Thanks for the answer!

Hi Carby,

The Lizard extension was never meant to be session persistent. It will not “remember” your modifications across reloaded.

You are not the first to request this feature, and I have it in my To-Do list.

Thanks for the reply!

Then I misunderstood something. :slight_smile: Anyway I like the extension. And I think this “remember” features would make it really useful.