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Hello I am wondering if the Community IT team can help me out I run a website called DisabledPeople and Disabled Car Club

What I am looking for

  1. Social Netowrking - like yammer style but for public to see
     2. Private Messaging - Can use a external source for this
     3. Mobile Freindly
     4. it needs to work on Shared Hosting Enviorment
     5. Chat intergration - this can be done 3rd party
     6. Storage Space
     7. Members Emais, We will do these manual

Disabled People and Disabled Car Club is both non profit we are community based, we get over 1000 hits a month

**What I can offer community it in return **
I can offer link back and add space on the sites and I can offer you all DisabledPeople and Car Club emails

I have one question

Why shall I spend my time on this when there are already hundreds of similar sites? What stands out about you?

As DisabledPeople has been going sicne 2009 and we are going to offer more features than Able here

We want to get the community involed in the designing off the site and its features,

Can you explain how this will help Mozilla’s mission? I don’t see how it would.

I think @Kensie might be able to weigh in on this. I’m not sure if Community WebDev is restricted to Mozilla-related websites or not.

Community Webdev provides services with websites that aligns with our mission or Mozilla-related websites. Can you explain how this website comes under that category?

@tad - that was a very poorly worded question, and I think coloured by your history. Don’t ask people what’s special about them :-p

Prashish asked the right question. Right now we’re helping with Mozilla related sites, and we’re still a very small group. If anyone in the group felt like helping out, that would be fine, but as a group, I don’t think we have the resources.