Spoke by Mozilla


One of the great things about being a Mozillian is that you get the opportunity to learn about and use software before it has been finished, to be an early adopter, to provide feedback and spot bugs. So I was really excited to try Spoke by Mozilla.

You may have heard about Hubs, a VR environment for everyone (whether you have a set of VR goggles or not). It allows you to meet and talk as an avatar floating over a VR landscape right in Firefox and is very cool. Hubs comes with a small selection of landscapes and are easy to use, but what if you wanted to meet somewhere different, somewhere that you madeā€¦?

Spoke by Mozilla allows you to do this. The current iteration allows you to take an artifact from https://sketchfab.com/ and (with a little work) set it so that you can use it as a Hub.

To give you an idea of what you can do with it, I made:

A Bigger Castle



You can learn more about Spoke by Mozilla and try it for yourself at:
