Software Freedom Day (SFD) 2015

I am Amod Narvekar, a Rep from Mumbai, India. I had been associated with Mozilla in terms of coding and all the rep activities. Last year I had participated in SFD’14 celebrated in Mumbai and delivered a talk on Firefox OS. Since then I had been in contact with the organizers and tried to engage them in Mozilla activities.

One of the organizer (Mr. Purvesh Shah) gave me a call 2 days back conveying his plan to organize SFD’15 on third week of september. This year, the event is planned to be on a very large scale. Purvesh has also approached GDG Mumbai, Wordpress, Debian, also he is planning to include Open Hardware celebration. The entrepreneurs are extending their support to make the event a very huge one. The main idea is to bring all the open source communities under one roof during the event.

So, he is expecting support from Mozilla Mumbai as well right from the planning stage. I will register the event on the reps portal once a proper schedule is decided, and would undertake the
budget and swags related responsibilities. Rest details like agenda would be updated shortly on

Hi @AMoz,

Which kind of support the organizers expect?? Where is the event going to take place?? How many Mozillians/Reps will be involved?? What is the outcome that you expect from this event, and how do you think to accomplish??

I’m open to discuss this with you, since the SFD is something “universal” we can think on making some coordinated actions between countries/communities.


hi @franc
Extremely Sorry for not getting back to you earlier. Regarding the flags you raised…

  1. Organizers are expecting support with respect to participation by reps, some budget requests and volunteering activities like publicity.
  2. The event is going to take place in Mumbai,Maharashtra, India.
  3. Majority of reps of Mumbai and Pune would be involved. And many are ready to take a session on it.
  4. Regarding Outcome, “Open Source” is something which is being widely publicized/recommended in Mumbai. So all students/professionals are looking forward for any event/workshop by any communities. So, considering it as a golden opportunity, it is possible to promote Open Web on a very grand scale through SFD. Depend on the scale, the event would be decided of a day or two. And workshops and sessions would be designed appropriately.

Hi Amoz,

Don’t worry, we have plenty of time, and I was completely out last week, so here are my comments inline:

Each event where community is involved is a golden opportunity :wink:
Can you update me when the confirmation about how many days/workshops are confirmed? It would be great if you have an etherpad to track the Mozilla proposals for activities/workshops, so it can be shared with other communities that wants to participate.
