Side view and other side bars

Side view seems nice, but it makes using other side bar features difficult (I use Tab Center Redux which also uses the side bar). Would be nice to have a better way to use different side bar features at the same time (maybe have two side bars one on each side?)

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Hi, I think the same. I use Tree Style Tab all time and now it’s not possible. Another side bar it would be fantastic

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Same here. Especially with wide screen displays it would be extremely useful to have a second side bar.

I agree – having multiple side bars would be great – I currently do this by opening separate windows, which is awkward. Multiple sidebars would be an easy way to compare more than two items.

I added this to the Test Pilot suggestion bucket as a generic “ability to show left and right sidebars simultaneously” rather than tying it to Side View. It’s a cool idea, thanks for sending it our way. Cheers.