Side and bottom panel support in WebExtensions

I am about to port an old overlay extension.

The extension utilize both a side panel and a button panel (firebox style).

I was surprised to see that apparently there is no support for panels in WebExtensions. So my questions are:

  • Are there any plans to support horizontal and vertical panels in WebExtensions?
  • If the answer to the above question is yes, then when will panels be available?
  • If the answer is no, are there any good alternatives? Then please point me in that direction.

Apparently there is no support for panels


By panel, do you mean sidebar here? Because that’s being implemented (I also updated that very table to reflect that), see

I think your link is missing the last digit of the ticket number :smiley:

Seems like it:

Good to see that there is an API on the way.

By panel, do you mean sidebar here?

I use the word panel because I also need the option to run a bottom panel like firebug does/dev tools does. A side bar sounds as an element that is display in either the right or left side. I would like to see either one API for left/right and top/bottom panels or bars. Or just horizontal and vertical panels/bars.

See this mock up:

I read trough the discussion in the linked bug and it worries me a bit that it is discussed to fix the side bar on either the right or the left side or to always display it with no show/hide option from a toolbar button. Also there is no mention of a horizontal panel that I rely on in my add-on. Actually I show both a left side bar and a bottom panel at the same time. It seems that this will not be possible. I fear that the API will be much to limited comparing to the options available for overlay add-ons.

From what I’ve seen so far there’s only plans for dev-tools panels and no unrelated ones, but I do certainly not know of all the bugs on bugzilla.