Should I keep the META-INF folder in the .xpi of next version?

I saw that all my extensions have been signed automatically in AMO, and the signed version .xpi contains a META-INF folder inside.

I’m wondering should I keep the META-INF? Also, should I name the new version number as “2.0-signed” or just “2.0”?

Well… I have just submitted a new version that without META-INF and “-signed”, and its review has been passed:

But the auto-sign isn’t applied on it…
So what should I do next? Re-submit a “signed” one or wait for the auto-sign?

Thanks for you answer.

You don’t need to keep the “META-INF” folder, as we replace all existing certificates.

I just installed version 5.2 of your add-on and it doesn’t show a warning about it being unsigned, so it’s signed just fine.

You don’t need to add the “signed” suffix to your version number. We added this suffix just once to push signed updates to already published versions of add-ons to Firefox users. All approved versions automatically get signed immediately (without the necessity to append the suffix).

So, you’re all set, there’s nothing you need to do.