Sharing MozAMU experience

Hello guys, I was recently tagged along by Mozilla Rep @CuriousLearner for a talk on AddOns for an event he was organizing at Aligarh Muslim University. It was an amazing experience and I’m sharing it via a blog
MozAMU - My first talk for Mozilla and first visit to Aligarh Muslim University - 24th February 2018

If you were there as well, I would love to know how was the day for you. Please comment :slight_smile:

Thanks for sharing this Shashank :slight_smile:

That is a great post! You’ve put up the peices really well :slight_smile:
Here is the event report blog post that I wrote:

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Hi Everyone , sharing my blog post for add-ons event in Aligarh Muslim University.

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Hi everyone,

I am Rahul, one of the students at Aligarh Muslim University. It was an amazing experience to be able to get in touch with you guys.

Here is the blog post I’ve written for the event:

Hope you have a good read! Would love feedback! :slight_smile:

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