Setting our Priorities [MEGATHREAD]

Many thanks to all those who made the 30 minute UK Community call 2nd August. If you missed it, don’t worry too much. This is not a sprint, there’ll be plenty of time for you to catch up in the days and months ahead. :snail:

:tada: The consensus was to proceed, with collecting an overview of our perceived community needs, and I think I’ve finally got the spreadsheet ready to rock & roll.

If you are willing to help shape our collective priorities for the coming year, please consider putting aside some time to make things happen. Help us by giving us your feedback.

Link to spreadsheet.

This spreadsheet is what is known as a prioritisation (or decision) matrix. It’s pretty easy to do. But it will take you some time and consideration. This is part of a long term vision.

There are 47 topics, taken from the 2nd August UK Community call preparation etherpad. I’ve taken around 300 lines (hopefully) listed issues in a more concise manner.

  1. Duplicate the Template sheet by clicking the triangle on its tab and selecting the duplicate option
  2. Rename your Duplicate with your name
  3. Column B is where you’ll find all the issues we will scoring
  4. Columns C - N are hidden, only due to the added complexity they bring. Use them if you need clarity on what the issue might mean
  5. In each of the columns O - U, I’d like you to enter a score from 1-5
    (1 being lowest priority, 5 highest priority)
  6. Keep going until you complete all 47 issues

There are some ‘conditional formatting’ in there (based on percentile) which will colour the cells according to your decisions. These may change colours as you proceed. The total column will fill in on its own.

This will help rapidly identify the various issues (or your choices within each issue) and help you understand YOUR personal take on what’s important. Feel free to Copy to.. (again in your sheet’s tab menu) to make a back-up copy for your own.

At a later date I will aggregate our collective scores and report the findings here in Discourse.

Now… step into the Matrix :sunglasses:


Thank you David for pushing this along!


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Thanks @Spike1! I was going to do a Google Form on it but my time’s been evaporating on other tasks. Hope it’s at least workable for everyone.

Completed \o/ (sorry for the delay)

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Hey it’s OK. I’d have never in a million years been able to follow-up in October. Despite my previous best intentions.

It was so great to see you all in person at Mozfest.

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Huge thanks for contribution to this data @Seburo. I’ll be actioning this feedback THIS MONTH with intention of immediately starting work on the TOP 3 combined priorities.

UK community Februrary call now pending.

Tried automating the merge of 2 sheets and you can’t. Found an add-on, but it’s totally rubbish. To avoid hours on it I simply copy and pasted.


Where are we?
When are we doing things?
Define purpose.

Calendar is now completed. This fulfills priority #2 (When are we doing things). News of this has been shared on:

  • Discourse
  • IRC (both London and UK)
  • London wiki

Please amplify through your own networks and invite them to our weekly Thursday calls.

Reserving this thread as MEGA THREAD :t_rex: :elephant:


For a full list of what is in the pipeline, take a look at our living document: the priority matrix. Feel free to duplicate that template and add your own scores (method described the first post above), or add your voice below, and jump on one of our new weekly UK Community calls.

Everyone is warmly welcome.


As some of the highly prioritised topics are already amassed in Phonebook/Mozillians integration & rollout, and to avoid duplication until that project rolls-out EO September, this priority has been moved forward to align with Events Utility announcement.

Due to the full roll-out of community events software, completing our events data priority, we can now move onto another of our priorities: