Sentence collector Dashbord & prizes

It will be nice to see the number of sentences collected by users, owner’s validated sentences, and sentences validated.

We created a symbolic prize to reward Kabyle Common Voicers. 4 people will be selected each 3 months for recorded clips, validated clips, collected sentences and validated sentences.

The prize will start on next 01 July.

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Perfect, that’s great idea, it’ll encourage people to participate more. Hopefully the option you ask will be added.

Thanks for the suggestions.

This feature is not currently a priority for the sentence collector but you can always check the metadata on sentence-collector.json files


Yep, This first script retrieves the list of owners and reviewers. Later, I will send a second script with stats for each user. We need to retreive these stats every 3 months and publish them on our FB page to boost the kab corpora on CV and Collector.

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@nukeador thanks. I just uploaded the fisrt script. Maybe some communities will be interested.


Great, It’s going to motivate ours, thank you very much.