Self-hosted webextension autoupdate doesn't work

We created a WebExtension and autoupdate doesn’t appear to work. The logging suggests it can read the updates.json, but for some reason doesn’t update the extension. I’ve tried numerous things nothing seems to work. I paste the url’s into the browser window and it correctly gets to the files without issue. The .xpi files are signed through AMO just like the current version.

Any ideas?

We set the update url in the manifest as such:

“applications”: {
“gecko”: {
“id”: "",
“update_url”: “

The updates.json looks like:

“addons”: {
"": {
“updates”: [
{“version”: “2.1.1”,
“update_link”: “”},
{“version”: “2.1.2”,
“update_link”: “”}

I updated the extension update interval and I see this in the logging, but no errors:

1506973518705 addons.update-checker DEBUG Requesting
1506973518989 addons.update-checker DEBUG Found an update entry for prqproduct@prqx version 2.1.1
1506973518990 addons.update-checker DEBUG Found an update entry for prqproduct@prqx version 2.1.2
1506973519048 addons.manager DEBUG onUpdateFinished for

Make sure you have the extensions.logging.enabled pref set to true when you test so see any errors or warnings in the Browser Console. Also turn on full network logging to see if the web requests are going through. Try again and post the full log (not sure if that’s what you’re posting here).