Screenshots Status: week ending 2018-07-20

Summary: minor Annotations release that was planned for 2018-07-17 has been delayed at least a week.

  • Prepping for the next annotations release.

  • Final bugs are being ironed out (2 remaining P1 bugs).

  • Most recent QA report was a ‘don’t ship’ until we fix the P1s.

  • Marketing will announce the new features on social channels

  • We’ll push out a “what’s new” blog post on the Test Pilot Medium site.

  • Significant discussions about OKRs and the future direction of the product.

  • Screenshots 2.0 Product Brief written.

  • Data is rolling in from a Heartbeat study; draft data presented 2018-07-20.

  • 790 participants, 713 completed the survey.

  • Download and copy-paste are used the most frequently; but this has led to a potential language issue with how options are labeled (confusion over “upload”).

  • Top feature requests: ability to blur, ability to capture video.

  • Working towards getting our add-on auto signed.

  • Working on redesign for shot page (HTML prototype) such that FxA is incorporated throughout the application.

  • Primary flows should be complete by EOD Friday.

  • This will drive engineering work for the next sprint.