Salon Primevère in Lyon (Feb 20-22) - post event report

This event is a huge fair near Lyon: alternative globalization, Organic food… About 28 000 visitors during the 3 days.
For example, Paul Watson from Sea Shepherd was giving a talk (in an overcrowded space). You could also meet José Bové. And of course buy a lot of organic food, wooden toys and find a lot of information about sustainable development.

One might wonder what was mozilla doing in this kind of fair. Visitors often asked us this question. We were located in a space called “free numeric space” along with other local groups and associations (the same people we meet at other events in Lyon): wikimedia, openstreetmaps, local LUG, a fablab. We were presenting alternatives to the globalization of internet (google, apple, etc.).

We were 7 mozillians on the booth:

We showed phones, latest stable version of Firefox: 2 computers were connected using Hello. We also helped people with some issues they may have on Firefox, advertized Firefox OS on Open C.

I flashed 2 flames (one from Pierre-Louis and one from a guy at the 3D printer booth who had big issues with his 2.0 version).
We also found 2 people that may be interested in contributing to mozilla.
We also tell people to come to the next event organized in Lyon (next month): JDLL

There was a friendly atmosphere in the numeric space! We were sending people to other booths and they were doing the same thing. As we were quite enough people for our booth, we also helped people at other booth (holding the fort while they got food or attended a talk).
It was great with people who know each other for years and we parted saying “See you next month at JDLL!”

I was interviewed by a local radio who provides audio files to a network of radios when they need this. So it may be broadcasted on different radios at different time.

We tried to keep track of people who visited our booth and whom we really interacted with: 340 people (plus those we forgot to write down). At the end of the week-end I had lost my voice (once again).

Photos on Flickr

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