Rust meets Fedora

Rust in now packaged for Fedora :smiley:

Just one command and you get started

sudo dnf install rust


How do new compilers get inside a distro? They need somebody to manually add the binary, right? So it’s the trusting trust problem.

Great that Rust landed since newer versions of Firefox need it in order to build :smiley:

Most distributions don’t add binaries, they build from source. That’s what they do with Rust too. What you get when you install Rust with your package manager is of course a binary (unless you use Gentoo :)), so yes you are supposed to trust your distribution.

Each distribution has different kind of building process. So for instance on Fedora, that I’m using, there is a central build system and packages get through a review process, so at least you don’t necessarily have to trust the package maintainer.

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Ooooohhh… I just figured it out: rustc is written in C++, not in Rust. That’s why it works to add it from source.

I thought that rustc is also written in Rust :slight_smile:

??? rustc is written in Rust, only LLVM is in C++.

Rust can now be built using older stable versions of Rust, so they import one state and then compile their new rustc’s using the old package versions.

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Aaaa… I see. So basically they grab the newest Rust that need only C++, compile that with the LLVM and Clang from the repos or with GCC. And after that they compile rustc with the old rustc.