My name is Jamie, and I’m glad to be joining in on the discussions here on MDN. This is my first day logging in to this sub and It’s absolutely awesome to see those who are managing and maintaining the open library of learning materials are also actively on this channel. I just wanted to begin by saying thank you to those in this community who have worked hard creating the open guides and tutorials available for learning web development.
For a little backstory: I was originally directed to the MDN by way of a Udacity course I’m currently enrolled in, then I came to re-assert my interest in the guides once I got really stuck in my first project on FCC. After reading how useful these guides are from the blogger P1xt, I knew the MDN would be a site I’d be spending a lot of time on over the next couple months as I learn how to be competent with web technologies.
I have therefore begun something of a deep dive into the documentation, and have reached the point in the HTML tutorials where embedding video and audio content is discussed before the lessons on iframes and SVG. Basically, I am continuing through the Multimedia and Embedding main topic in the HTML guide and have begun questioning how much of this is truly core material for learning web development
After finding my way into the forums here, my impression from reading a recent post about revising the content on SVG material is that at least this guide is due for some revisions. Can someone working on the materials in this forum post a list of which other topics are being considered for revision? Also, for these sections being considered, are there other existing recommended open resources I can consult for learning some of these core topics? It would be great to get this feedback in the open for anyone using these guides as their primary reference.
I realize a good bit of what currently exists in the MDN guides are likely the tried and true methods for creating web content and these methods will (probably) remain relevant for some time, but I am curious as to which sections in the Multimedia and Embedding are most practical to focus on as I am learning modern Web Dev.
I can appreciate how hectic it must be to maintain guides on a topic that seems to constantly be going through changes, so again, I just wanted to say thanks for what all of you are doing to keep this resource maintained and up-to-date. I’m really looking forward to the lessons on CSS grids once I get to that topic since I know it’s one of the more recent big shifts in working with CSS!
Kind regards,