Revamping Of

Womoz site is now under construction . It would be good if the site is done with maximum womoz contributors.

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[link for github [Womoz][1]]

I see any link… it’s this one MozillaKerala/WoMoz?

@flore mentioned also this

@Binzzzz- which one did u mean?

Be careful, the only correct link for womoz website is the organization one. The other is my personal repo for womoz (that we used before)…
But the organization is better and we can ultimately sync it with our server. But I need to learn how to do that…

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Is there a roadmap or a meta bug… a thing we could use to see what’s happening/desired? I am better at content than backend

We’ll form a group for content writing , Designs are getting ready and we should move with the contents too.

we can create a new category here. No need to use another group. What do you say @flore , @couci, @priynag?

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agreed with the new category, let’s keep everything under one group

Hi, i am working with WoMoz Bangladesh and i am a developer as well. So, i am interested to work with you guys :slight_smile: Is there any group for discussion or work together as a team. I mean how are you working as a team?? I have previously worked with the developing team of “Firefox 10th Birthday” landing page.

Guys, have you seen this ??

I removed the file and will follow-up on security with our server admins.
I did not realize that this files had been uploaded when we got Alex to add the original womoz site on womoz org

OK, we also changed login and password to the database on the server.
So, it’s no longer an issue.

Is the content ready for the site? The Womoz who are working at the site want the contents to look into UX for the site.

they can use the generic Lorem Ipsum,.

I update the github with the actual code from and deleted everything from the blog directory. Except for themes because its the only thing that changes from a standard wordpress install.

I updated wordpress to 4.1 and plugins are also up to date.

Let me know when there is a request for a new sub-category so I can make sure it goes through.

Also, there is a “community webdev” category already. If you want more help outside of Womoz you may want to post in there as well. The idea behind that group is to allow people who want to work on their webdev skills to help with community projects like this one. There’s not a lot of use of it yet, but if you were interested in using that category this would be a good first project to get traction.