Results of the Mobilizer Experiment for WebExtension Italy

Hi everybody,
I introduced this initiative on and now is time to see what we got it and learned!

Mobilizer experiment - WebExtensions (Italy)

Research phase

  • What did you do?
    • Create a first list of questions about WebExtensions and community contacting Italian devs that I know personally and also outside the country to understand if the issues are the same. I done that part with a public etherpad shared to all the participants.
  • What did you learn about the technology in your area?
    • That the problems are commons between different developers and with that information create a new survey.
  • What did you learn in terms of mobilizing the community?
    • That Italians join this kind of survey only with a good reason or if you are veyr close to them.

First iteration

  • What did you do?
    • Created a first draft of the persona and contacted the Addon Team to get help on contacting Italian devs registered on Contacted also an Italian Google Manager to gather informations about the 24 GDGs and their experience about extensions.
  • What did you learn about the technology in your area?
    • There are no so many italian devs registered on AMO with the settings for getting contacted by email (26)
  • What did you learn in terms of mobilizing the community?

Second iteration

  • What did you do?
    • Sent the survey to the italian registered to AMO as devs and joined their weekly meetings
  • What did you learn about the technology in your area?
    • That there is no so much interesting, we got only 3 person on 26 on this survey
  • What did you learn in terms of mobilizing the community?
    • There is no interests and also time to follow an Italian group of devs for webextensions also for support

Third iteration

  • What did you do?
    • Closed the survey with 6 participants on 26, written on 4 different national groups on FB and G+ with thousands of dev to find Italian Chrome extensions devs with only a contact from a non-extension dev.
  • What did you learn about the technology in your area?
    • Again there is no interests on creating a community for Italians but also in the rest of world there isn’t about extensions
  • What did you learn in terms of mobilizing the community?
    • A starting point to analyze all the problems of AMO and Addon technology with all the data gathered reading also on reddit and on blogs.

This is not very complete because I am working on a final doc with all the information and what we can do as community and what we need from the AMo team. I hope to finish for today or tomorrow so you will see in a 360 view what we done for this initiative :slight_smile:


Are the full results available? Would love to view question breakdowns of responses.

Tomorrow I will publish the final report (I am waiting a review for it) for the results of the survey they are in Italian if is not a problem I can share it :slight_smile:

Thanks for sharing @Mte90,

I think these 3 months working together have been really productive to understand more how to support our mobilizers with their work on technical communities and better understand the current status of the Addons community in Italy and identify future opportunities that can be applied more globally.

I’m specially proud of the great collaboration with @caitmuenster and the rest of the AMO team :slight_smile:

The final report:

Probably will be improved in the next day with other reviews :slight_smile: