Restrict moderator events to NDA'ed Mozillians

Hi all,

Moderator has a new feature that allows organizers to restrict events to NDA’ed mozillians, in order to ensure confidentiality of event information.

To be more explicit, a user is able to access moderator NDA events in the following cases:

  • the user is logged in with a non-mozilla address associated to a mozillians account that belongs to NDA group
  • the user is logged in with a mozilla email address (set as primary or secondary) associated to a mozillians account (the account can belong or not to the nda group)
  • the user is logged in with a non-mozilla address (set as primary or secondary) associated to a mozillians accout, that has also a mozilla email address set as primary or secondy (the account can belong or not to the nda group)

Steps to create an NDA event:

  1. Navigate to admin panel and login as admin
  2. Click “Add Event” button
  3. Add an event name
  4. Check “is nda” option and click “Save” button

Steps to access an NDA event:

  • Login to moderator with a mozilla email address associated to a mozillians account
    Expected: The user is able to access the NDA event that was previously created

  • Login to moderator with a non-mozilla email address associated to a mozillians account that doesn’t belong to NDA group
    Expected: The user is not able to access the NDA event that was previously created; the user can only access non-NDA event/s

If you have any questions, please drop comments in this thread.

Best regards,


This is awesome, @viorelaioia1! Thank you so much for this nice documentation/feature announcement.

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