Reps Council Meeting Notes - 20/07/2016

Hello everyone,

Here are the Council meeting notes from July 20th, 2016:

Review Team Onboarding
We invited the Review Team to talk about their transition plan. In the meeting, Review Team asked for feedback from the Council about the transition plan, and Review Team needs to know what the Mozilla Reps program focus now.
During the transition period, we allocate 10-15 minutes together with the Review Team in the Council meetings, and after than we can do it once a month to coordinate and also through the mailing aliases.

RepsNext Communication
Michael will rewrite the visual explanation paragraphs, and ask Henrik to review again. Meanwhile, Michael pinged OpenDesign team again for the visual.

New Mentors
Guillermo already run the initial coaching training last week. The first session run very well. The next steps: the coaches will be separated in groups of 3 people. Arturo is currently the spokesperson in the calls, there’s no need for more interaction from the Council.
Github issue for more updates:

Pending Applications
We had 53 pending applications while waiting for the coaching training for the new mentors. Michael mass-commented to hold and linked to the focus area discourse thread

Regional Coaches Status
We had 46 people applied, the form is closing today. Guillermo, Nuke, and Daniele are reviewing the list to provide a recommendation to Council (comments, flags, and recommendations).

Reps Issues on GitHub
We still have all our tasks in the Reps GitHub repository, have a look there to get involved and keep up to date with what we’re up to.

Many thanks,