Reps Council Meeting Notes - 17/08/2016

Review team
We had a quick talk with Konstantina about the Review team and the next steps. We agreed on a transition plan and covered pending questions. Further we’ve talked about budget allocation which will help the Review team to see the overall picture. We agreed to start a voting for this plan.
Update after the meeting: this is approved and you can find the transition plan on Discourse and the blog.

Reps OKR
We decided on the Reps OKR in our meeting.
Update after the meeting: the OKRs are published on Discourse and the blog.

Regional Coaches
Nuke updated us about the ongoing efforts with the Regional coaches. The regional coaches are currently having initial talks and research with their assigned communities to get an overall overview.

Before announcing the partnership with Cliqz (read more about it here: Lucy and Nick Chapman joined us for a presentation on the topic and a round of Q&A to make sure Council members get answered their questions and are prepared for questions from the community.

Reps Issues on GitHub
We still have all our tasks in the Reps GitHub repository, have a look there to get involved and keep up to date with what we’re up to.

Many thanks,