Reps Challenges - Event metrics

Hello Reps,

A few days ago we are started a new fun initiative around the Reps program, it’s
called “Reps Challenges”.

What are Reps Challenges?

Reps Challenges are a new way to accomplish the program goals in a new,
different and fun way.

Event metrics challenge

We are starting our first challenge around Event metrics.

The goal is to complete all post event metrics to be able to show the Reps
program impact and as a result get more resources next year and be more
effective supporting the Mozilla mission with our activities.

How can I contribute?

Just join the challenge page and help each other to get to the 100% goal.

Will we be able to complete the challenge?

Let do it! :smiley:


What to do with events created before the metrics fields were added to the Reps Portal? Seems that I am not allowed to enter metrics for them anymore.

The challenge page should only show event from Jun.16, that’s when we applied the new metric system.

@bobreyes are you having problem with events after Jun 16?

I had an event in Jul 2014 [] but the event page was created before the new metrics were implemented. I could not add/change/update the metrics and actual figures.

What do you get when you edit the event? As admin I see the metrics fields, can you?

Do you get an error when submitting?

What I see …

Old way of entering metrics …

What I see when attempting to enter the actual values …

Can you fill these fields? I guess there was no pre-event metrics, just fill them now.

Got it. Thanks!

Hello @r_oVhPfcJCUUC5wbm6i4_C2Q,

I created an event in February but it was postponed and finally took place in October.

I cannot add the post-event metrics. The “Actual Outcome” fields are not available and the event is showing in the Event Metrics Challenge page -

Can you please open a bug on component? Maybe devs can do something to enable these fields.

Here is the Bug ->

The bug should be solved now.

@mhasan can you please check if you can fill metrics for these events now?

Yes Nuke I have filled them now. But after filling in the metrics, the event is still listed on the Reps Event Metrics Challenge page.

That’s normal, as the page explains, data is updated daily :wink: