Reps Bugzilla Statistics

Hi Reps

I recently wanted to know how many applications we got, and that whole thing escalated a bit. We now have a dashboard:

I figured since it’s just a small change in the query I also add Portal, Swag and Budget Requests. Hope that is interesting for someone :smiley:

I’ve also added 4 milestones as suggested by Henrik, I’m happy to add more if you all have other ideas!

Note: this does not automatically update…



As usual, thanks a lot for your creativity, effort and hard work you put into Program Analytics. The annotations (milestones) look great.

For those who take a look at the data, please share your observations, insights, and assumptions on this threat.

Best regards,

Nice! Thanks for the work!

This is amazing! Thank you, Michael!

Can you also share the repo’s link so we can file an issue if we have any suggestion? not that I have something in mind, but maybe I will in the future :wink:

You can find the repo at

it’s time to do some cleaning, open swag and budgetbugs from years ago…

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Good point there are a lot of them as I can remember!
I am wondering what the council/peers will do with those data, because show the issue with the Reps activity quite easily.