Reps and Regional communities team - Q4HB1


I wanted to share what the Reps and Regional communities team is going to be working on the next 3 weeks as part of the Quarter 4 - Heartbeat 1 (or Q4HB1).

The Q4 Participation goals we are supporting are:

  • A focus set of relevant training and learning opportunities for mobilizers are systematized and they regularly access these opportunities to be more effective in their contributions and as a result providing more impact to Mozilla’s main initiatives.
  • Reps is the program for most core volunteers where many communities feel their voice represented and influencing the organization, and where mozillians join to be more aligned, grow their skills and be more impactful in mobilizing others.

The three areas of action will be:

  • Reps program.
  • Skill building.
  • Community gatherings.

Reps program

We’ll continue our efforts to support local communities thanks to the Regional Coaches project, supporting their skill training and making sure we have and clear analysis and some next steps for the communities that already met with them. I wrote about the vision for this project a few weeks ago.

Activate Mozilla campaign is more active than ever thanks to the two new activities. We want to keep supporting it with a new push from the Reps.

The evolution of the program (aka RepsNext) is now a very mature state and we need to start preparing the plans on where we are and how are we going to merge all the efforts together before the end of the year. We’ll be working on the planning these weeks.

Also we want to start measuring and getting better with our budget process thanks to the new review team as well as deliver and communicate the Reps budget allocation for Q4 as a way to guide our efforts.

We will also start some conversations about the team events strategy for 2017 and how to learn from it to improve the Reps program procedures.

Skill building

During the next weeks we want to start the coaching training with a big group of existing Reps mentors as well as updating the coaching guide to be ready to be shared.

As part of the Leadership Toolkit project we want to have at least 5 learning resources ready to be tested and clarity on what are our needs to have a website to access them.

Community Gatherings

All the logistics and content for the Arabic Community Gathering will be ready to be delivered during the event.

We’ll start the preparation and communications around the Mexico Community Gathering that will take place in November.


I hope this topic helps to clarify what are we trying to do and it can be a place where anyone can be involved providing feedback and input, we will be happy to receive it :wink:

The staff involved will be:

  • Guillermo Movia (@deimidis) - Coaching, Regional Coaches, Community Gatherings
  • Emma Irwin (@emma_irwin) - Leadership Toolkit
  • Konstantina Papadea (@couci) - Review Team, Reps improvements
  • Francisco Picolini (@franc) - Community Gatherings
  • Rizki Kelimutu (@kelimuttu) - Review Team
  • Brian King (@bking) - Activate Campaign sync
  • Rubén Martín (@nukeador) - Regional Coaches, Reps improvements, Community Gatherings
