Rep of the month - March 2015

Hello Fellow Reps,

Join me in welcoming our 2 new Reps of the Month for March, Ibrahima SARR and Faisal Aziz for their inspiring contributions to the Reps program.

Ibrahima SARR :

A long term mozillian and Fulah localization team lead, a SUMO and KB l10n contributor, Ibrahima has created most of Fulah Internet and IT terminology from scratch.
He says:" Our biggest achievement yet is the localization of Firefox in Fulah which was released in summer (2012)."
Supporting Web Literacy Map he believes in the idea of redefining the curriculum to include practical learning and making.
Follow his posts here:

Ibrahima was a part of the incredible team of Reps present at Mobile World Congress (MWC) 2015. Ibrahima Sarr, Alex Mayorga and Francisco Picollini did a great job by presenting hundreds of Firefox OS demos to attendees at MWC 2015. Congratulations to the team and specially to Ibrahima who did an exceptional job at reporting the event in social media!
more about MWC:

Faisal Aziz :

Faisal, is an inspiring mentor to many Reps and fellow mozillians in India and has proven his mettle in many projects across mozilla universe. A proud open source activist & preacher, he has been helping communities like Bhopal, Indore, Warangal and Mumbai in India. He actively contributes to a number of Mozilla projects and is Locale lead for “Ur” language.

He recently organized an annual event MozConnect Part1 and Part2 in central India to bring different sub communities under one roof.

Faisal is an integral part of Leadership at Mozilla India and an inspiration to many in his local community.
Follow his posts here:

Thank you Ibrahima and Faisal for your amazing work.
The best of the Reps program is reflected in your accomplishments and leadership.



Congrats guys! Amazing work!

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Congratulations @faisalaziz4ever and @ibrahima :smile:

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Congrats to both!!

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My sincere congrats to both!!!

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Thanks @ibrahima and @faisalaziz4ever for doing awesome work :smiley: Congratulation to both of you :smiley:

@faisalaziz4ever Bro , I am counting the number of treats I will get from you , when we will meet :wink:

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Thank you so much folks for your love and support, :slight_smile:


Cheers to you two guys. We are very happy for you.

@ibrahima @faisalaziz4ever
congrats both you…
i know personally you guys are rocking…
just keep do that…


Congratulations & Celebration Faisal you deserve it…
Faisal is inspiration in india for mozillian and reps.
faisal have leadership in his blood…




two amazing Reps! I couldn’t be happier. I’m specially glad to have also two localizers here :smile:

You’re both building so much in your communities!

Thank you so much and congratulations!

What Rosana said :slight_smile: Well done, gentlemen - you’re doing amazing things for the users in your communities and beyond - keep it up!

Congratulations @faisalaziz4ever and @ibrahima :slight_smile: Keep Rocking! Special Wishes from Mozilla Warangal to Faisal Sir :smiley: