Remove invalid thing

I have a thing I created with the pulse adaptor but it didnt work I think due to the name. I deleted it in the pulse adaptor but its still present in the things page and I cant delete ?
any way to remove this see attached screen shot

I have rebooted the gateway

  1. Go into the thing detail view (the splash thingie accessed with the button in the top right)
  2. Click on … button in bottom right corner
  3. Click “Remove”
  4. Confirm to remove the thing

I tried that but in the detail view their is no options or button to remove only the plus add button which goes to the scan page

You should not see the + button in the detail view. Instead the screen should look something like this:

(note the button in the lower right)

Yes that seems to be the problem i’m not getting anything just a blank screen with no options

That sounds like an issue with the gateway where it can’t handle the ID the adapter has given it for the thing (which is why you’re trying to remove it in the first place).

Yes, bug report ?
is their any way to manually remove the thing

It’s probably due to the / in the name.

If you want to manually remove the thing, you can SSH into your Raspberry Pi and do the following:

$ sqlite3 ~/.mozilla-iot/config/db.sqlite3
SQLite version 3.16.2 2017-01-06 16:32:41
Enter ".help" for usage hints.
sqlite> select id from things;
<snip>... some things </snip>
sqlite> delete from things where id = "<the faulty id>";
sqlite> .quit

After that, you can restart the gateway and things should be fine.

how to fix it ? I want to know everything is that possible for you to explain

I filed an issue for the pulse adapter here:

I’m also working on a fix for the gateway, so hopefully this will no longer be an issue in the future.

While trying to fix the issue on the gateway side, I got blocked by this unfortunate issue:

@andrew I’d recommend just removing the pulse thing as I instructed, then giving it a new name with no slashes in the add-on config before you re-add it.

@mrstegeman Thanks that did it. I must remember to not use any “/” in names for things.