Reflections from Coaching Practice Week

Hi All,

I have posted earlier about the discussion on the cases and these are a few of my reflections from the overall coaching practice week.

Thoughts on teaching kits:

  • Teachable kits are the best resources which actually represents the best practices that we usually follow in our contributions as a functional doer /as a mobilizer.

  • Training cases are strongly interconnected with in each other and also with the teachable kits as well and are very familiar with the real time scenarios inside our community.


  • Listening is very important for a coach to understand the real time issues/struggles of a contributor and Power of questions helps to analyze more of the issue & the approach of a coachee towards it.

    • This helps us to provide a meaningful feedback and support/actions that helps a coachee overcome the barrier and motivates his belief in his contributions.
  • Understanding/creating a bridge with in the community programs and functional areas are very crucial to gain good impact from the contributor base/engagement.

  • Participating in this coaching practice week personally helped me to identify where I need to improve.

You can also read more about my Narrative and obeservations- learnings and feedback as a Coachee and also as a Coach.

Many Thanks to @sayak and @rowdymehul who has supported alot in providing feedback about my insights and thought process.

Thanks for reading,

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