Last week the UX+Product teams met in Portland to refine the hypothesis of each train. The group’s goal was for each train to target a specific audience with a specific hypothesis that the team would work toward proving/disproving in the next 2 months.
Working with other product managers, we developed this hypothesis for the SmartHome project.
Our new hypothesis is based on our recent user research study:
- We observed a need/desire for passive, background communication, e.g., two people connecting via Skype while they were doing something else like homework. This theme resonated with the whole SmartHome team as something we’d like to work on.
- We chose to target 12-15 year old girls because this audience showed the most need/desire for this type of communication. But our team also can see how a solution for this audience might serve a broader audience as well.
We’re currently developing a Research Plan to test this new hypothesis.
Other updates are on our wiki.