Reading e-Books on Flatfish (feedback/contributions appreciated)

Hi everyone,

For the past few weeks, I have been working on OpenBerg Lector an application for Firefox OS for reading e-books. OpenBerg Lector has just reached Milestone 1.

The application has just reached Milestone 1. Still quite young, but it is time for testing, feedback – and contributions.

If you are interested, head to the web app.


Hi, it’s an interesting project. I’ve browsed the site for just a few minutes, so it’s a superficial feedback. Probably I won’t say anything new to you.
Link problem (probably a B2G bug): opened 1984, click on a “Chapter” link, link changes colour on tapping but nothing happens. It works after many attempts. I have tested on FX desktop, everything works perfectly. So it could be the usual problem I have with many links while using Flatfish.


  • does not change page if I swipe to left
  • when reading a page, it’s missing a menu to reach the index (valid also for desktop).

Desktop feature ideas:

  • scrolling the mouse should scroll the pages
  • better bottom navigation (bigger arrows), on desktop the usual hand icon over a link should appear.

A good start.

I tried loading an O’Reilly ePub and nothing seems to happen apart form a flash of green bar at the bottom. No Errors.

You don’t specify what formats are accepted either in the UI or the docs, but I saw the pre existing books are ePub. I wonder if the File download API lets you specify filters for those OSs that use file extensions to identify type?

Thanks for the feedback. In the future, don’t hesitate to file bugs :smile:


  • links: I have rewritten the code that handles internal links, I believe that it should work better now;
  • I’ll take a look at the swiping issue;
  • will file a bug for the index;
  • scrolling with the mouse is a good idea, filed;
  • bigger arrows, filed;

@slee Yes, for the moment, Lector only reads epubs. Unfortunately, the file picker appers to have bugs that prevent me from filtering efficiently.

Do you have a sample OReilly epub I could use for testing? Preferably one I could redistribute.

I just tried @agarzia’s Firefox OS book and don’t even get the green flash.


That; seems to be the wrong repo as you have moved it. Any way I created the bug there.

Fixed link, thanks.

I just released a new version that fixes a gazillion bugs, including the file picker one.

Nice. It shows real promise. I’d say good navigation is high priority. I have some accessibility use cases and this is a great base. Will fork and play. Next - try on my flatfish :wink:

Great :+1:
I will try it out. Nice to see tablet apps coming. Do we have a webpage or wiki page which lists all the tablet specific apps , so that we could discuss them and use it as reference for probable other apps.