Re: Firefox OS Phones (Status Questions etc?)

I’d guess if you don’t anticipate using any phones, they can be
sent/dropped off to your nearest mozilla office. Please don’t throw them
away though - they can be used whole or as parts for a bunch of interesting
projects. If they don’t want your broken Keon, I would be happy to add them
to my junk/parts bin.


If would be possible, i would like at least one battery of those broken
KEON, because I have one KEON with a damaged battery and I use a lot
this device in events and testing stuff. I checked with the manufacturer
and they say that not have battery availables for KEON never more or
they know of a compatible model for this device.

In case of B2G OS do not support the KEON device is possible putting on
android 4.0.4(Tested by me) and could be used for test fennec or other

Best Regards