Raw mode on form data params

When posting graphql query developer tools looks like this:


Would be nice an option like the raw mode so i could see something like this:


@sombriks thanks for the detailed report. Would this formatting be a special pretty-printing for GraphQL queries, or does the Network panel something to lose the pretty-printed output?

i think that add the capability to see the raw payload (i.e. without any special formatting) would do the trick.

in this case the graphql is being mistakenly treated as formdata and therefore the near useless presentation.

Thanks a lot for the details. I filed this as https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1548060 .

in this case the graphql is being mistakenly treated as formdata and therefore the near useless presentation.

I am not sure how formdata fits in – the issue I filed is about inspecting multiline content in JSON. Is that correct or are there other transports for GraphQL that are not JSON based?