QA Contribution in 2017

Hey Mozillians,

In Mozilla India, people are working consistently in QA. Let’s take a moment to walk through the past that shows the path for future. Every contributor of Mozilla India is up in joy as their past year have a lot to be listed. The curve of Learning and contributions have a significant increase for every individual contributor. Here is our report on QA for 2017.

Good news is totally 71 contributors have been involved in 2017. We successfully organized 100+ events especially for QA alone. Always our contributors wants to care for their favorite browser Firefox to pitch higher in future. In the mission to care for web, they passionately reported bugs whenever they gone through any strange activities happening while browsing and totally they reported 50+ bugs in Bugzilla. Apart from bug events, Mozilla India took part it various campaign to achieve the goal of Mozilla. We would like to convey special thanks to all of them on making 2017 a grand successful year for Mozilla India.

Have a look at the full report:

We are expecting a exponential growth in our future activities and inviting new contributors to join the mission.

Happy testing!!!