Q4/2017 OKRs for Participation Systems

Dear Stakeholders,

here are the Q4 OKRs for the Participation Systems team. If you have any feedback, questions, or words of praise please do not hesitate to reach out.

These OKRs will be referenced in each of our fortnightly Sprint postings. Confidence scoring is also done on this 2-week cadence.

Best regards,

O1: Prove that IAM enables seamless collaboration among Staff and Volunteers

  • KR1: Technical proof that a user who stopped using a service loses access
  • KR2: Technical proof that a user profile can be retrieved from CIS
  • KR3: All accounts with privileged access have MFA’d logins enforced (NDA’ed Mozillians, Staff, etc)
  • KR4: A G Suite team drive is shared with a Mozillians Group (on our TEST G Suite)
  • KR5: All NDA’ed volunteers who use Slack login with Mozilla’s SSO

Why this matters

Arriving at the end of the quarter the IAM Team has been working for a year on its vision of

This objective and its key results actually deliver on this vision.

O2: CoSS defines its V2 strategy while continue to deliver immediate results

  • KR1: Update CoSS roadmap based on 2018 partnership landscape
  • KR2: CoSS Event Utility is being used by two programs
  • KR3: CoSS Website Builder Utility allows admins to build their own webpages
  • KR4: Discussion Utility surfaces relevant activity on the OSSN property

Why this matters

Delivering the necessary Utilities to allow the Open Source Student Network (OSSN) to continue it’s programmatic expansion is important. Additionally CoSS needs to devise a clear path of value creation for a broader stakeholder landscape at Mozilla.

O3: Redefine ParSys within the operationalization of the Open Innovation Strategy

  • KR1: Create a vision for horizontal product and systems engineering in 2018
  • KR2: A horizon model plan to support Open Innovation’s work

Why this matters

Following the sign-off of the Open Innovation Strategy by Mozilla’s top leadership in August 2017, the Open Innovation team is adapting its operating model to operationalize this strategy most effectively. This change will also impact the Participation Systems team and our mandate in Open Innovation. I am thrilled to be part of this transformative journey and look forward with excitement and joy!

O4: Coherent UX/UI for Lock, Dashboard, Mozillians.org

  • KR1: Coherent UX for Mozillians.org (“Mozilla Accounts”)
  • KR2: New Lock follows the UX design

Why this matters

With the (SSO) Dashboard we delivered the new UI/UX of our IAM Application Triad. It is time to have the other two applications in this triplet follow that lead. This is also a good opportunity to refresh Mozillians.org to something with a more functional name.
(Shout out to @simon1 for teaching me this lesson a while ago:
“Call things by a name describing what they actually do. This will make your life much easier down the road.”)

O5: Consistent staff and volunteer profiles across Mozilla properties

  • KR1: Phonebook replacement specification is signed off by Open Innovation, IT, Legal and the People Team
  • KR2: Technical proof that LDAP user data is provisioned into CIS
  • KR3: HRIS group data allows InfoSec team to access MozDef

Why this matters

In order to enable truly seamless collaboration we need to have a place where people (technically speaking “profiles”) come together for reliable discovery.

Further reference