Q3/2017 OKRs for Participation Systems

Dear Stakeholders,

here are the Q3 OKRs for the Participation Systems team. If you have any feedback, questions, or words of praise please do not hesitate to reach out.

These OKRs will be referenced in each of our fortnightly Sprint postings. Confidence scoring is also done on this 2-week cadence.

Best regards,

O1: Share a G Suite document for collaboration with a group as defined by Mozillians.org (e.g. the staff & volunteer body Mozilla Reps Council)

  • KR1: Staff profiles are automatically available to Mozillians.org
  • KR2: G Suite has visibility of Mozillians.org groups
  • KR3: A user login in from a new location triggers an alert in the SSO Dashboard (security enhancement)

This objective and its key results are shared with Mozillas Enterprise InfoSec team and serve the #iam team as quarterly North Star.

O2: CoSS has Utilities that enable content manipulation by admins, users to contact the program, and program-specific discussion groups

  • KR1: CMS that has a well designed UX, is secure, and easy to add/edit content without any coding
  • KR2: Roles and permissions are determined from integration with Mozilla’s group management allowing for seamless staff/volunteer management
  • KR3: Discourse’s ability to scale for program-specific discussion groups is proven

O3: Link the contribution of ParSys’ activities and vision to the OI strategic plan

  • KR1: The ParSys infrastructure roadmap is aligned with the Open Innovation Strategy
  • KR2: All community WordPress sites are decommissioned from ParSys AWS
  • KR3: Bitergia’s data, tool and knowledge assets from the Q2 Strategy Project are integrated in our Community Analytics platform

Further reference

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