Q2/2017 OKRs for Participation Systems

Dear Stakeholders,

this is a list of Q2 OKRs for Participation Systems. There are two levels of granularity. For most of you only the consolidated version is of relevance. For sake of transparency, I also list the detailed version. For shared key results, a partner is pre-fixed in brackets.

If you have any feedback, questions, or words of praise please do not hesitate to reach out.

Best regards,

Consolidated Version

Objective: Ship software in partnership with IT, Marketing and MoFo that delivers prioritized functionality to Mozilla’s participation systems stack

  1. [IT InfoSec] Auth0 identity platform is expanded to 2 systems shared among staff and volunteers
  2. [MoFo, Marketing] Ship first iteration of CMS, CRM integration and Events management to Mozilla Clubs, Campus Clubs and Developer Community Pilot
  3. [IT Application Services] 100% of existing ParSys wp-admin hosted community sites migrated to WPEngine

Detailed Version

Objective 1: Continue IAM’s trajectory delivering a series of highly visible incremental wins

  1. [IT InfoSec] Ship the enterprise application SSO Dashboard
    Refresh the Auth0 Lock/Sign-up flow for Mozillians.org
  2. [IT InfoSec] Roll out Auth0 identity to G Suite, Mana, The Hub, IRCcloud
  3. Prototypes are tested with low-bandwidth and prepared for non-English personas
  4. [IT InfoSec] A mocked volunteer Mozillians.org profile which was provisioned to LDAP via CIS is retrieved through Auth0
  5. Mozillians.org is migrated to ParSys AWS

Objective 2: Community Support Software demonstrates progress in improving the targeted volunteer user experience and increasing efficiency for the program managers

  1. [MoFo] Ship CoSS iteration 1 utilities for CMS, CRM integration, and Events available for Mozilla Clubs & Campus Clubs
  2. [Developer Marketing] CoSS project adds a third program, Developer Marketing Pilot
  3. [Lifecycle Marketing] Program managers can segment their audience in ExactTarget
  4. Prototypes are tested with both existing community and a key (targeted: non-English) persona

Objective 3: Migrate Mozilla’s community sites to WPengine in order to have these WordPress sites on a secure, reliable, maintained infrastructure

  1. [IT Application Services] 100% of existing ParSys WPadmin hosted community sites migrated
  2. 1 additional community site migrated
  3. Existing Mozilla Community Web Services (MCWS) team is empowered to create the community sites transition plan

Does auth0 already know about the NDA status of volunteers? As far as I understand point 4 this is the goal of this quarter? mozillians.org -> LDAP -> CIS -> auth0, is this true?[quote=“hmitsch, post:1, topic:14905”]
CoSS project adds a third program, Developer Marketing Pilot

Do you have the resources to do so? My initial gut feeling would be “do one thing, and do it right”.

I’d suggest Brasil, as we had a request from there recently which would IMHO fit very well. //cc @geraldobarros

Thanks for the update!


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Hi Michael,

exciting questions! Thanks for engaging, as usual.

No, Auth0 does not know about the NDA status yet. I doubt that we will get the group provisioning from Mozillians.org to CIS to LDAP to Auth0 working this quarter. Our current objective is to get a mocked Mozillians.org profile pushed along this path. We will have to see how things go to say whether or not group attributes will already be populated.

While I do understand your point, we deliberately choose to take a different direction. There are many dimensions to our decision. Not all of them I want to disclose publicly.

To your question: Adding another program could potentially increase access to resources. This would help us to build better utilities (i.e. do things right), which in case benefit the whole platform/ecosystem.

That’s an awesome recommendation. Thank you!

Best regards,