Push for HTML5 support

Hello dear mozilians.

I have just recently switched to Firefox from Opera.The reason being that Firefox is 99.99% open source(you know that closed source drm thing in html5.1).So far I do like Firefox.And because of the reason that I just joined sorry if I posted this at the wrong place.

However I do want some interface improvements(mostly just making the whole menu bar thinner for widescreens or moving the whole menu bar with the address bar to the side)

Another thing that bugs me more right now is HTML5 support.On the html5 test Firefox reaches ~474 points.However Opera,Maxthon and Chrome,all of the reach 500+ points on the same test,which is a big difference.That is not a small difference.Also I have been seing more and more HTML5 websites that were obiviously built for webkit/blink.I can’t name them becuase I have obviously forgot the urls and those are still a bit rare but…you get the picture.And there is the fact that
Also as of this year HTML5 is finally complete so I think it is easier to make a push for it right now.

That is why I hope that Firefox devs and this community in the next one or two versions will push for better html5 support.


  • Firefox hasn’t implemented DRM support yet. The DRM container will be open source, and you don’t have to install a DRM module if you don’t want to (it’s externally downloaded like flash plugin right now), so 100% of the code shipped is open source.
  • What HTML5 features do you miss on your day to day browser experience? That’s the important thing, not points on a test. Firefox development is guided by this and not by scoring more on tests just for the sake of it.

For those who don’t know, the tests results are there: HTML 5 test
However, I agree with nukeador, features really implemented (or not) are more important than a score

1)That is great news to me.
2)I cant agree there.It is a major plus for every browser out there to be the first(or be one of the first ones) to support some html5 or css3 feature.I can see Firefox being left behind by the other browsers if Firefox does not do that,perhaps not directly by its users,but by web developers(unfortunately the same rule does not apply to IE because of its market share).It is really a long term investment.

What we are trying to point here is that there are some features that are more important for users in day to day basis than others, Firefox tries to prioritize these.

If you check some of these tests you will see that they give points for features that are not even a W3C draft, there are just experiments that maybe are not going to be implemented.

In any case the Firefox team is always working on new features, you can follow the progress at http://hacks.mozilla.org/

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In the future, if you see a site that is not compatible across browsers, please report it at Webcompat.com

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Another very important work of developers is about accessibility, it allows people with disabilities to use the Web as everyone!
HTML5 Accessibility analysis

If you check the HTML5 feature points you can see Firefox lost more than 30 points in FROM section that is useful for everyone (like time/date field).

Yeah, the lack of <input type=“date” /> is clearly a show stopper.

Well I know personally quite a few people who quit using Firefox because the browser shows a blank page when the content is an HTML5 video. And I am not talking about YouTube videos.
They spent hours and hours trying to find a plugin or an add-on to no avail.
SAFARI and CHROME have no trouble to display those pages and play the videos.
You should not worry too much about those who complain. The ones who remain silent and just leave are the ones you should worry about.

That’s weird because as far as I remember we ship the cisco h264 codec with Firefox now.

Well try this very simple page in Firefox:

http://canada.bel-photo.com/a_bruyyz.html http://canada.bel-photo.com/a_bruyyz.html

Works great with SAFARI and CHROME !

That’s working perfectly here. Firefox on Linux.

Good to know but it does not work on Firefox on MAC Yosemite and on Windows 8