Proposals for the FSAs Mission

Mozilla’s mission aims to make a better internet and this must be quite interesting for every internet consumer or maker, and since students can make a good change, Mozillians used to put the Firefox Student Ambassadors to us with a couple of missions to achieve

A FSA doesn’t just promote and support the Firefox and Firefox OS project but plays a big role to learn, grow, lead and share in the community and at campuses.

I believe a good startup comes when we make a big step together, a Firefox Day event is what we need, an international day to start doing the FSA’s mission through promoting the Firefox and sharing the Mozilla’s mission to students as well as encouraging them to get involved and contribute.

A workshop would be really important to help people learn and grow their skills, the Mozilla WebMaker is the best tool to start learning how the web works.

Firefox clubs sounds very interesting to me as students will meet to share what they have so it will be where good ideas are born.

What I’ve learned as a Microsoft Tech Club leader in the past 2 years is a club is a group to share skills and ideas through weekly or monthly events, could be a workshop, a summit or a competition and it’s good to make new connections with people too !

Once we’re done with achievement of our mission, a pick of the best Mozilla FSAs would deserve to meet in a global FSAs summit to meet, exchange and connect with each other !

I’m looking forward to hear more from you !


Great idea :ok_hand: it would be awesome :smile:


Great !
Thank you @mabo

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Hey @mabo! Thanks for bringing this up! It is really good to discuss how FSAs can do more.
For starters, the beginners guide describes our activities like promoting Firefox and Firefox OS projects + more. As mentioned in Part 4 of the guide, FSAs can contribute to other contribution areas at Mozilla too.
We also have this on the wiki too:

FSAs have already been doing a lot other than promoting Firefox and Firefox OS like for example, individual FSAs and Firefox Clubs are doing a lot of events to promote web literacy through Webmaker and Maker Parties. There are also MozTours, MozCoffees, FSA Bootcamps, trainings and FSA Leaders Camps held in various countries too. FSAs are also free to come up with their own events to support the mission.

The FSA Eboard would really love to get new ideas on what activities we can add to make the experience of FSAs more fulfilling and fun!


Great idea :slight_smile: