Present yourself!

I would like to open this first topic so we can have the chance to present ourselves! :pencil2:


So I guess I will start first …

Hi all,

I am involved in Mozilla Community since 2010 contributing to themes (personas). I am a Mozilla Reps Mentor and Peer and my current focus is helping building communities ( specially in Balkans and other EU countries with few mozillians). As technical interest I am looking to grow QA’s community and the access to Web Literacy ( specially around Womoz.). I am part of the Mozilla Romania local community.

Read more on my profile or the one.


Hi All,

I am Viswaprasath, involved with Mozilla Contribution from 2013. I started my contribution as Mozilla Reps. I am now contributing mostly related to Firefox OS. I am one of the Firefox OS app Reviewer. I spend some time with One and Done activities. I am one of the E-board Member of Firefox Students Ambassador program where I helping in technical activities of students.

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Hello All

I am Hossain Al Ikram . You can call me Ikram :wink: I am involved in Mozilla community from last year but spent a good time contributing in SuMo and QA. I do my QA Activies in Firefox Desktop mostly! I love to test features , Triage and Verify Bugs, I am a part of Mozilla Bangladesh Community. Currently, I am helping my local people who are interested to learn QA and do their contributions in QA.

More information about me can be found on my Profile.


Hello, I am Marcia. I have been around the project for some time, and tested just about everything Mozilla has produced over the years. I enjoy working with the community and teaching them about Mozilla and QA.

My favorite Mozilla events were the various MozCamps that were held starting in 2008. It was at many of these events that I was able to meet contributors from all over the globe.

Most recently, I have moved into a new role as QA Community Builder, and started the FX OS BuddyUp Pilot project.


Hello, I am @rtsayles. I am currently a Mozilla Rep Mentor based out of Chicago. I am looking forward to helping out with the buddy group. You can buzz me on Facebook or shoot me an email.


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Hi, I’m Kamil and I’ve been contributing to Mozilla since late 2012. I originally started helping out with the Firefox Metro project with some security here and there. Once Metro was cancelled, I moved into the Security QA group and just recently moved into the Security Platform team.

One of my favorite Mozilla memories was being invited to the 2013 Summit as a contributor. I’ve never seen so many brilliant and awesome individuals in a single place. Every person that I met made me feel like I was apart of the Mozilla family!

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Hey all, I’m Maja. :grinning: My contributions to Mozilla started in 2014 with manual testing and bug triage, then writing code for One and Done as part of an Outreachy internship. I joined Mozilla’s Auto-Tools team (the “A-Team”) full-time in 2015. There, I work on automation and infrastructure to support Firefox development. This happens mostly in Python. Lately, I’m working on automated testing of video playback that doesn’t use Flash!

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Iam a new contributer,I hope that I would follow topics thanks to who gave a chance in this section of community.

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Hi there -

I’m Stephen, and I’m a long-time Mozillian, who has been helping manage the awesome Web QA team:

My long story with Mozilla was chronicled here in an interview for the Mozilla Memory project:

I can be found on Mozillians here, too: - feel free to contact me or our team if you’d like to learn more about Mozilla or testing!


  • Stephen
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Hello :smile:

I am Manel From Tunisia, I am Mozilla Reps for 2 years ago,I am one of Mozilla Tunisia Team, My contribution based on teaching the Web Using Webmaker and localization, my current focus is on fixing/filling RTL Bugs for Firefox OS and and I am looking to improve my skills on QA, Happy to join you.



Welcome aboard

Hey there!

I’m Hugo from Mozilla Bolivia… collaborating with mozilla since 2011, Mozilla Reps and WebMaker teacher :smiley: Also i’m leading the Guarani translation team (native language). I’m an App developer so i want help to the Firefox OS QA and learn more about it… I’m glad to join you guys… let’s tackle some bugs!


Welcome aboard Hugo :blush:


I am Prakriti, and I want to get involved with Mozilla and learn more about QA testing.


Welcome Prakriti!

The QA testing in Firefox and Mozilla’s products it is pretty vast. For a better understanding, we were wondering if you can share a bit more details from your experience till now or about what would you like to learn more. Almost all teams have a dedicated page here where you can find more info.

I do invite you to join the list dev-quality @, a place we use for communication with our community.

I would also like to point you to our social channels:

Don’t hesitate to let us know if you have any questions, concerns or feedback!


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