Prelim learnings from Learning Prototype study (UR#2)

Creating a list of things we’re learning as this study continues. Please reply and add more !

  • Diary booklet - Add a page for “first impressions” so we can capture these.
  • Think about ways to make “is this on/offline” visible on the outside of the enclosure (vs needing to open the enclosure).
  • Think about how to capture the unboxing moment - pix, video, other. This moment of emotion is one we hope to sustain over time as they use the device, so good to see where the girl’s experience starts from.

I think the morning/afternoon/evening and sent and received breakdown for each day was too granular. The diaries I saw ended up repeating themselves. Perhaps one page with questions for each day is enough, plus area for notes?

As suspected, some devices saw gaps in usage due to losing battery charge. We did avoid the critical battery discharge issue, but still we’ll see more use and more data if we can extend battery life

Next time, ensure the team gets devices before or at least at the same time as the study participants

Find a way to gather parents’ thoughts on the devices and the study - even if informally. They will form their own ideas and opinions over the course of the study and even though the kids are the focus, they know their kids and will likely have useful insights

We should make users work harder for the rainbows! Having rainbow on long-click and the simpler blue / green patterns on click and double-click makes more sense. We could try a boost or bonus animation if they double-click 3 times in a short period of time or something like that. Next time, think about easter eggs.

We were able to troubleshoot an issue by introducing a 3rd test device into one of the “pair” accounts. We should plan on this and ensure we can filter any diagnostic noise out of the logged data.