Hi, all!
I just want to revive a bit this “Speaking” category in discourse by announcing that **we are currently working in organizing the onboarding of a new cohort during this Q4 2018 **.
We will post more information about it in the coming weeks: we’ll communicate about the application process, as well as the content of the onboarding program. Watch here, or on our MozTechSpeakers Twitter account.
What you can already do:
If you are an active Mozilla Tech Speaker, think about interesting people that would be a nice addition to the program. If you are close to them, speak to them about the program and see if it fosters interest.
If you are not yet a Mozilla Tech Speaker and are interested in becoming one, watch this space! We will be announcing the application process very soon.
I’m really excited to have a new onboarding cohort coming near!
Thanks all for your interest and support.
Jean-Yves Perrier
Dev Outreach, Mozilla