Practise week - Kiki & Tanzeel

Hi all,

I’ve just done the coaching practice with @tanzeelkhan94 last Tuesday. Due to miscommunication, we’ve done the 4 cases altogether during an hour meeting. Here’s the recap of what we’ve discussed:

Your mentee is a part of a small but growing community and would like to know how they can increase their numbers, enable these volunteers to make impact and make their community visible in the local tech scene.

Tanzeel (mentee):

  • I want to start a community in my region but I am not sure where to begin from. Can you help me with it.
  • In the Campus Club, for example, in the beginning, I want to have more focus on Web Extensions Development. How do I do that. Should I invite someone experienced to speak on the topic.
  • How do I make the Club more visible and active and how do I get more members to the Community.

Kiki (mentor):

  • I will start by asking question on what the current community is doing and what kind of contribution area that they would like to focus on.
  • Connect the person to the broader local community (especially in the specific areas that the person would like the community to grow.
  • On the visibility, I would suggest the person to get involved more on the local tech event so the other community will recognize them.

The mentee is an active functional area contributor who has contributed to a couple of projects but this is the first time he’ll be involved in a community. He wants to learn how he can reach out to people inside and outside the community to grow and make quality contributors.

Tanzeel (mentee):

  • I’m contributing to RUST from past few years and I want more people in my region to contribute to it. How do I develop my mobilizer skills to to invite more people for contribution.

Kiki (mentor):

  • I would connect the person to the existing Rust community, specifically the person who are experienced on organizing community so that the person will know what do they need to start his/her own local community.
  • I would also connect the person with the Reps close to him/her (if there’s any) so that the Reps can connect the person to the broader local community that might have the same interest.

@tanzeelkhan94 thank you so much for discussions and feel free to add the other 2 cases where you act as a mentor.

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Thank you, Kiki ( @kelimuttu ) for writing a discourse post about our Practice Week. Here’s the recap of two cases where I acted as a mentor during an hour-long meeting:

Mentee wants to bring the community to a new level through effective strategic planning but doesn’t know which skills he/she lacks to do it.

Kiki (mentee):

  • What if the community doesn’t have a member who has more experience? What should we do?

Tanzeel (mentor):

  • If the community doesn’t have any experienced member, firstly, s/he should connect with other communities in any other region, get help from them in getting started, learn about the programs and initiatives, try to contribute to some projects and also, s/he can invite someone from other community to give a session on community building, share their experience and encourage people to join it.

  • Formulate a 6-month goal plan about what activities will you do, how and what will be the outcome.

  • Organize a community call twice a month to discuss the activities being done and ask the members to report about their contribution to the community.

  • Encourage members to contribute to projects like Localisation, Web Extensions etc to keep them engaged and active.

  • Also, connect with the experienced Reps near to the region to learn about what initiatives to take in order to grow the community and keep it active.

Mentee needs help in reactivating his/her community

Kiki (mentee):

  • In a special case, when there was a community conflict in the past, do you think we should try to resolve the past issue or do you think it’s better to start anew and bury the past conflict?

Tanzeel (mentor):

  • Meeting with existing community members and try to resolve the conflicts, if any. Get help from them about how they started the community, why don’t they contribute anymore.

  • Connect with the Reps from other communities, who are running an active community. They can share their experience about how they started, what activities they do to keep the community active and growing.

  • In case you have any question about community building, try asking the reps, join different Telegram groups, mailing lists and also you can create a discourse post to get help from experienced community builders.