Powerful Potatoes!

This session is facilitated by John Murphy, Yasmin Fitzpatrick

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About this session

Kids can experiment with different vegetables/fruit, using a multi metre, to find out which one can provide the highest voltage, so they can create the circuit with the fewest vegetables/fruit. The kids work with crocodile clips along side some non sharp galvanised nails and pennies and boom! Vegetable based power for a led light!

We would even get some switch units to add so they can turn the lights on/off, and challenge them to power as many LED’s as possible in one circuit.

Sticking with year’s theme of More Responsible Artificial Intelligence, I am looking into integrating a Microbit with a sensor into a potato circuit. The sensor when covered would turn off the LED in the circuit and show the kids cool ways sensor technology can be used. This idea is in early development but I would love for it to present during Mozfest.

Goals of this session

To teach people about the wonders of electrical circuits through the medium of fabulous fruits and vexing vegetables!