Post London next steps


interesting work week in London!

For those that could not attend just let you know that we were running a magnet experiment around the connected devices area like:

  • Schedule for the meetings room in the CD area.
  • Twitter feed for the #mozlondon hash tag.
  • Poll and feedback for the magnet experience.
  • Links to the best coffee shops or best pubs in London.
  • And also we gave away lots of beacons for people to advertise themselves.

It was really nice, and soon we will analyse all the data that we got from this experiment.

As well we have time to meet with the Activity Stream Team and other teams inside mozilla to discuss about a common solution for simplifying how we can have a ‘tile’ representation of a site. Also we must remark how useful was the meeting with the MozFest team to engage about possible collaboration with the festival.

Also we got our MVP review with the Leadership team, they were happy with our progress and interested on this new web, so we setup our next steps:

  • Analyse the data from the London work week:

    • Take a look to the data in the metrics server (launches, url clicked, url swiped) and the metadata server.
    • Check the feedback form.
    • Contact the people that gave us their email addresses.
  • Articulate “what’s is unique with this beacon technology”:

    • We need to contact Irina from the research team to try to have a deep dive in beacon technology.
  • Create a plan for engagement:

    • How are we going to do this? We should not flood the user with notifications.
    • When? At the moment of discovery, in a daily digest and story of the web founds during a day?

Those were the action points that we got with the leadership team, but also after a brainstorming we got some more, so feel free to discuss, add more or remove:

  • How we can reduce the friction of the beacon configuration?

    • Shortening service with beacons already preconfigured against this service.
    • Educational videos.
  • What is our next experiment?

    • We should put time to discuss where are we going to test magnet again.
  • Get into app stores

    • If we want to try magnet with more users we need a proper way of distributing our apps. Even if they are tagged with a big BETA ribbon on the side.
    • We need to check if something like that is possible in iOS (in android it is).
    • And triage the legacy errors that we already got.
  • Last but not least, for running our experiments we will need to find a cheap and reliable beacon manufacturer:

    • We still can try to get a deal with the Chinese that is providing beacons to Google, we just need to plan this in advance and be clear of our needs.

Also we managed to create some disruption for people not using magnet, but chrome for android as they were able to see our beacons running the experiment, here is an example:


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I’m one of the guys who get a beacon from you at #mozlondon . Actually I use the beacon to broadcast an URL related to Community Space program at Participation Team’s demo fair :

Good job :slight_smile:

That’s a fantastic use!

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