Possibility of different review queues


I made a addon that has been waiting in queue for many weeks now to get fully review. The thing is that my plugin is very simple and the code is short and easy to read and understand. I don’t know the review process, but I will guess that any developer can take a quick look at the code and see that it does nothing harmful in less than a minute. Is it possible to make a queue for small and simple addons?

What’s your addon name/link on amo? I can at least peer review it.

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Thank you, my plugin is https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/simple-youtube-repeater/. (Version 2)

Your add-on should be reviewed shortly. It has only been submitted a couple of hours ago.

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Thank you, I uploaded version 2 yesterday, but version 1 has been in queue since 10. July for full review.

Very cool, nice simple and elegant. Hoping its Firefox only :slight_smile:

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Thank you, but I still think there should be a different queue for simple/small addons. It will make things a lot easier since the preliminary/full review is going to be almost the same, and it will also be easier to get more reviewers to this queue since it will require less experience from the reviewers.