Planning for Ada Lovelace Day [October 9, 2018]

The 2nd Tuesday of each October is a day reserved for the memory of Ada Lovelace, widely considered as the world’s first computer programmer, saw early opportunities in devices like the ‘Analytical Engine’ as socially collaborative tools.

Here, we have an opportunity to not only enourage and support women and non-binary in STEM, but to build new leaders of the future inside our community and learn from women pushing against a considerably patriarchal society.

Ada Lovelace Day event page.

This is a placeholder event, I intend taking a backseat on the day but in the lead-up will do all I can to help bring this truly representative event to reality. Please consider adding your ideas below or contact in DM’s.

If more events like these are of interest, be sure to regular check right here in Discourse. We hold a weekly UK Community call online, which you’re warmly invited to attend. There’s also a calendar for an overview of ALL our activities and aligned special events in ICAL and HTML. If you have any event ideas that could be added, please do get in touch.

All our gatherings uphold Mozilla’s Community Participation Guidelines. We all strive to empower each other.

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Currently ramping up actionables on this planned London event. If you’d like to support this effort - whether volunteering your time to assist, speak at the event, deliver workshop content, host or sponsor - please email me

Team has increased to 2 people.

  • call Tuesday July 24

Potential speakers & content from 6 people.

  • archeology & digital history
  • law
  • musical computing
  • computer science
  • privacy

Potential sponsor.

Venue TBD.

  • please assist us locating a venue for 50-100 people
  • Tuesday, October 9
  • 16:00 - 20:00

Mozfest Fringe event details TBD.
Mozilla events page TBD.

  • ETA week 2 August

Have an very exciting venue in planning discussions. Further conversations taking place. I’ll hopefully be able to share news real soon!

I’m unfortunately having to cease planning this event. Already being quite busy for Mozfest I simply do not have the personal time available to deliver the quality of event I had been planning.

We’ll defer all arrangements towards International Women’s Day in March and would eagerly support any similar initiatives from others in our local community.